Friday, September 01, 2006

World War Z Audiobook

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From Fango:
Random House has announced that it will release an audiobook version of WORLD WAR Z on September 12, to tie in with the publication of Max Brooks’ book under the Crown imprint the same day. Brooks’ novel, a follow-up to his popular ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GUIDE, is a “first-hand account” of a Zombie War that decimates mankind, as told by both civilian and military survivors who recount their varied battles with hordes of the walking dead. The author himself voices The Interviewer in the five-CD, six-hour adaptation, which also features a number of major actors lending their vocal talents. Among them are John Turturro and Jurgen Prochnow, who have genre experience from FEAR X and HOUSE OF THE DEAD respectively; other contributors include Henry (WRONG TURN 2) Rollins, Mark Hamill, Alan Alda, Carl and Rob Reiner (!) and many others. The WORLD WAR Z audiobook will retail for $29.95; see Fango #257, on sale in mid-September, for an interview with Brooks about the novel. And catch Brooks at the East Coast Fango con (see for details).


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