Thursday, April 20, 2006

Ge Rouge

Glenn Danzig's Ge Rouge

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From MoviesOnline:
Glenn Danzig (founder of "The Misfits", "Samhain" and "Danzig"), has handed in his final script draft for "Ge Rouge", the movie adaptation of his and Calvin Irving's comic, puplished by his own comic book company Verotik. The last news about the movie still says that the plan is to begin filming in May.
Also an actor has been chosen for the Murderous "Papa John" and according to the company we will "flip" when they tell us who it is. The actor was Danzig's first choice for the roll and its said that after meeting with him he knew this actor 'Was' Papa John. Well, in earlier interviews Danzig already said that the part was written for Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs ("Cooley High", "30 Miles"). So lets wait and see if he really takes/gets the role.
The movie will takes place in New Orleans at the turn of the 20th century and tells the story of Papa John Carrefour, who believed he was the baddest Voodoo. But then a young Ge Rouge came to town, and started getting more and more attention. Papa John was jealous so he set up Ge Rouge to have him murdered and succeeded at giving him a swamp grave. Years later a girl named Kulev finds the body of Ge Rouge and he is brought back to life. Just thinking about revenge, he makes Kulev his Voodoo Queen. Together they now want to kill Papa John Carrefour. But Papa John sends Zombies after the two to stop them....


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