Friday, March 17, 2006

The Knittas

Zombie Knitting!

You may recall this little snippet about the Knittas. It ended with the enticing prospect of knitted Dawn of the Dead characters. Well, here they are. You know you want them.

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From The Seattle Times:

Simpson admitted she leans toward "subversive subjects," such as knitted figures from her favorite horror flick, "Dawn of the Dead."

"I made four zombies and three 'live' characters — because," as she said, "the zombies had to outnumber the living."

The characters were for a Zombie Swap she organized at the Craftster Web site.

"I overran the deadline by about a month, but the recipient said it was worth the wait," Simpson said. "She decorated her Christmas tree with them."
Simpson "is busting to finish" her current project, a pair of characters from the "Dawn" sequel "Day of the Dead" — because, she said, "I'm desperate to tackle the next big thing ... 'Star Wars.' "


Blogger Lawson Copy Write said...

OK - Knitted Zombies might be the cooliest thing I have seen this year! Keep up the blog! I freaking rocks!

17 March, 2006  
Blogger IsThatLatin said...

There are pretty nifty, eh? I wonder how much a thing like knitted zombies costs...hmmm...

Thanks for swingin' by ZAGG, lawson! :)

18 March, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, they're cool! Course it's really nothing new--they've been around for a while actually. Saw her stuff when it first went around the net like a year or so ago. But yeah, really cool! :D

20 March, 2006  
Blogger gugon said...

This is SO COOL! That looks like Flyboy up front. And the baseball zombie on the right. I'm not sure about the other two. I'd like to see the helicopter zombie too - he's one of my favorites.

If I saw these for sale, I'd by them in a SECOND.

21 March, 2006  
Blogger gugon said...

Oh, wait a minute, that's the nurse in the back. And the other one might be the jewelry zombie - is that right?

21 March, 2006  

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