Friday, January 06, 2006

Mezco Toyz, but Not Quite the Ones We Wanted.

So, I was really expecting new details to come out today about the Mezco Toys zombie figures, Afterlife, but alas, there seems to be nothing. So, to tide you over until they decide to let us have the zombie goodies, here are some other toys from Mezco.

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Zombie Priest from The Goon

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Here's a bonus thing. If you order all four sets of their PirateMez-Itz mini figures (and I don't know about you, but I really dig on pirates) you get this zombie lookin' Scabby Joe figure for free!

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This isn't axactly zombie, but it's voodoo, which we all know is directly related. These dolls are awesome and I couldn't help but put them up.

There's also Toxic Toons:
Created by Eric Pigors, Mezco has created 2 boxed sets of creepy characters including The Body Bag Brothers, Miss Cery The Nurse, Pox The Mortician, Corpse Boy, Seedy and Creeps.
And Army of Darkness:
The cult-classic film Army of Darkness is translated into our Mez-Itz mini figures line of collectibles. This 3-pack includes Ash with chainsaw, Evil Ash with Sword and Possessed Witch with the Book of the Dead.
I will have news of the Afterlife figures as soon as that news is available.


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